Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Letter to My Husband on Our Anniversary

Today is my four year wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband.  So I wanted to take some time to thank him for everything he has done for me and continues to do for me.  He may not always think so, but I love him fiercely and appreciate everything he does for our little family.  You can read about how we met on my “About Me” tab, so I’m not going to go into all that.  I will say, however, that it is as fresh in my memory as when it happened.  I hope that I will always be able to remember it this way!

Dear Mr H,

It seems like an eternity ago when I first heard your voice on the other end of the phone line.  A short time after that first phone conversation, we met and the rest is history.  I didn’t know that first night I met you that we would end up married someday with a beautiful baby boy, but I’m sure glad that God had that planned for us.  Every day since then has been simply amazing.  We don’t have a fairytale romance and our life isn’t perfect.  We fight and argue sometimes, but we get through it and at the end of the day we love each other and that’s all that matters.  I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but at least we will experience it together.  I just want to thank you for the things you do.  You work so hard to support our family and I just want you to know that even though I may not say it, I do appreciate it.

Thank you.  For being my husband, for being a hard worker, for being supportive, and most importantly, being a wonderful father to our son.  He adores you and that makes me love you even more.

Here’s to many more wonderful anniversaries together.

I love you.
Mrs H.


  1. congratulations! beautiful letter :)

  2. This is precious!! Happy Anniversary! :)

  3. This is so precious!! Happy anniversary!

  4. Good article, your all provided information is all right, keep your blogs on- Greets. happy anniversary wishes
