Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 2 Goals and other thoughts....

Today marks the end of week 1 and the beginning of week 2.  While week 1 went great, I want week 2 to go GREAT!  So my goals for this week are as follows:

1.  Eat between 1100-1200 calories each day
2.  Exercise for two hours each day (collectively, not necessarily all at once)
3.  Do not eat after 6pm.

I lost 5 pounds last week, I am hoping to lose at least that much again this week!

I'm a little concerned about the upcoming holidays.  In hindsight I probably picked the most difficult time of year to decide to start a diet lol.  First there is Thanksgiving followed by Christmas.  The two days of the year when we eat the most food.  I'm really hoping that I don't screw up my whole diet on those two days.  I want to enjoy all the good food, but I want to be able to do it with restraint.  This will be a good test of my will power if nothing else!

Even without the holidays in the picture, I am incredibly afraid of failing this.  I have tried to overcome obesity for so long that I kind of feel like this is it.  This is my last chance.  I don't want to be trapped in this body for the rest of my life.  I want to be able to feel good about myself and the way I look.  Not only that, I want to be healthy and to feel good physically as well.  I have a child and a husband to consider now.  It is not just about me anymore.  It scares me to death to think about where I might be 10 years from now if I don't do something about this now.  So I'm going to give this all I've got.  I have amazing friends and family that love and support me on this journey and I feel so amazingly blessed to have them all cheering me on.  Without them I would probably just lie down and give up.  And believe me, there are plenty of times just in one day where I would love to do just that because it's much easier than what I"m doing now.....but I know that the end result is going to be so worth it.


  1. You're doing great, but watch out. Healthy weight loss is 2 lbs a week. Losing a lot more than that can cause BAAADD rebound weight gain. Just keep up the steady exercise and calorie counting!

  2. Yeah I know! But the Phen makes you lose crazy weight! I have a friend who lost like, 60 pounds on it. She has done well keeping it off. I think the key is just maintaining the habits you learn while you are using the Phen. Eating less, choosing healthier options, exercising, etc. I'm just hoping that I can keep it up!

  3. Definitely maintaining the habits is a HUGE issue. Many people don't use the time on phen to learn how to manage their weight without medication... so they just gain it all back and then some, which just gives it the reputation of "just another diet pill." You're doing an awesome job!

    With the holidays coming, it is a little scary... But hopefully with the help of the phen as well as a smaller stomach by the time you get there, it won't be so bad! Don't forget about the amazing willpower we all naturally have, right?!? Just think of how hard it was to lose those few pounds, and how easily it can be put on again... and how hard it will be to do it all over again! :)

  4. Exactly. I don't want to be in this situation now, so if I can get out of it I sure as hell am not going to get back in it! At least not without a fight!

  5. Go you! You're plan seems to be working. :)
