Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hey, it's ok Tuesday

Stealing this idea from a friend's blog!  So now I have something to look forward to every Tuesday (in addition to my weekly weigh ins haha).  So first, let me explain this to you so you don't sit there with your brow furrowed looking all confused.  It goes like, this...... you start out by saying "Hey, it's ok...." and then follow it up by things that it's ok to be ok with!  haha.  So here goes....

Hey, it's ok....

....to secretly like the Fresh Beat Band song "Here We Go" and to be sad that they stopped playing it on Nick Jr, although you do kind of like the new song "Friend Like You"

....to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving

....to think that starting Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving is STUPID.  People should be able to spend that day with their family...not have to work.  It's called Black FRIDAY....not Black Thursday and Friday.

....to be tired of hearing about the Occupy Wall Street protestors.  At first I thought they were doing something...but as it turns out, no

....to wonder why the heck Casey Anthony's name is showing up on the news websites....ummm the trial is over and she is nobody....so let's stop acting like she is a celebrity.  She's just a psychopath who killed her daughter and got away with it

....to really wish that you could have a big, giant, cheesy, greasy, slice of pizza when you know you can't because you are on a 1200 calorie restriction and that one piece of pizza would probably be all of those 1200 calories

That's all I can come up with right now.  Til next week!


  1. It's ok that I was secretly upset that they replaced Marina on the Fresh Beat Band...

    It's ok that this is my second time on Phen. I kept it off for three years, including after the birth of my 2nd daughter.

    It's ok that I'm addicted to Angry Birds!

  2. I'm also mad that they replaced Marina!! I DO NOT like the new one! She stinks!

    And I used to be addicted to Angry Birds until I got stuck on a level for like, weeks and finally got mad and deleted it lol. Now I would have to start all over if I downloaded it again and that is NOT ok haha
