Tuesday, November 29, 2011

End of Week 3 Progress

Today was weigh in day.  I was pretty nervous when I stepped onto that scale this morning.  Thanksgiving was last week and although I didn’t think that I did too bad, I still feared seeing something ugly on the scale.

I stepped onto the scale and held my breath and it calculated.  When my current weight popped up on the screen I wanted to do a little touchdown dance in my bathroom.  I lost weight over Thanksgiving holiday!  How is that even possible lol.  I’m down 3 more pounds, bringing my total weight loss for the last 3 weeks to 11 pounds!  My first 10 pounds is gone!  Woohoo!!  My goal was to lose 15 pounds in the first month and I think I might be able to get it done!!  I only need to lose 4 pounds this week.  I am going to work my butt off and get it done!

What was even better than seeing that loss on the scale this morning was being rewarded for my hard work when I got to work.  I was in the breakroom preparing my wheat toast for breakfast and one of my coworkers came to me and said, “You are really coming down!”  I smiled and told her thank you, but inside I was jumping up and down for joy.  Personally I don’t feel that it is noticeable when I look in the mirror, but apparently it is.  I can definitely tell a difference in my clothes.  They aren’t falling off of me yet, of course, but they definitely feel more comfy.

So today, I plan on drinking as much water as possible (which I do every day…....water is the only thing I’m drinking these days).  I’m going to make sure to get up and walk around very briskly for 5 minutes every hour while I’m at work.  That alone will add up to 40 minutes of walking.  I’m also going to continue my daily routine of walking the stairs at lunch time for a good 10 minutes.  And then later on tonight I’ll get in my cardio and arm exercises.  I usually do some sort of aerobic activity for at least 30 mins every night.  Last night was abdominal crunches….I did 200.  I thought I was going to die.  Tonight I will focus on my arms and probably do a little cardio boxing.

The wonderful thing is that I’m starting to look forward to my exercises.  So I’m getting used to them instead of dreading them.  Makes it a lot easier to do when you want to do it! 


  1. Whooooooohooooo! Tracy and I may ave to go back through your blog to get some tips. We are thinking about developing a 30-60 regime to kick start our weightloss again after the detox.

    Congrats again!

    And...go ahead and do that dance. :)

  2. Way to go!!! That is awesome weight loss. Keep it up. :)

  3. Thanks guys! I'm super stoked! Can't wait for Friday when I go see my doc. Hopefully she will be as pleased with my progress as I am!!

    Stacy - if you create that regime, let me know! I'd be interested in trying it! I still haven't done the detox yet, but plan to eventually :)
