Tuesday, November 22, 2011

End of Week 2 - Weigh In!

This morning I weighed in and was down 3 more pounds!  It’s  not much, but it’s better than nothing!  I’m going to make sure to get in as much exercise time this week as I can to maximize my weight loss this week.  I want to see that 5 pounds loss again!!  Thursday is Thanksgiving though….which makes me SUPERRRR nervous lol.  But I think I can handle it.  I think I will be ok.  I’m getting used to eating smaller portions now and it’s awesome because I don’t even have to really think about it anymore.  It’s becoming second nature to just put a little on my plate instead of a lot.

Even though I am doing pretty good so far, I gotta say…..this is one of the hardest things I have ever done.  Losing weight is hard.  Changing your mind frame and how you think about food is HARD.  Giving up things you enjoyed eating before is HARD.  Counting calories is HARD.  Exercising when you don’t feel like it is HARD.  But seeing those numbers going down every week on that scale is totally worth it.  The end result is worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. Not only is it only hard, it's mentally exhausting at times because you are CONSTANTLY aware of what you're eating, not eating, drinking water, thinking about losing more.... and if you're tracking calories you feel like you wanna cry if you go over. It's definitely a really rough road, but we can do it!
