Monday, November 21, 2011

The Cold Hard Truth

I was browsing through some of the blogs that I follow today and I came across a post that really put things into perspective for me.  It lays out on the table things that we already know, but don't want to say.  It calls out our BS and tells us to wake up and be accountable.  This blog was exactly what I needed to read this morning.  I would like to share it with you in hopes that you will be empowered to CHANGE just as I was.

This blog post is from and is copied from Jen's posts.

You are unhealthy.

by Jen, a priorfatgirl on November 10, 2011

You are unhealthy.
Do something about it.
It is as easy as it sounds. And as hard as it sounds. I know. I KNOW this. I did it. And I continue to fight for what I’ve worked to accomplish. You think this is so easy? You think your “hard” is any different than my “hard?” Get over yourself. Suck it up and do something about it.
Stop waiting to hit rock bottom. THIS IS YOUR ROCK BOTTOM. This is your life and you are letting it pass by you. The decisions YOU make result in your life. Changing your life means changing your life.  It is as easy as it sounds. And as hard as it sounds. I know. I KNOW this. I did it.
Don’t put the blame on me like I should have helped you. Like I should have patted you on the back and encouraged you to keep going. Don’t whine and complain that you had some flippin’ excuse because guess what? I’ve had my fair share of excuses. In two years, my mom died without me getting to say goodbye, my dad started dating 6 weeks later, I switched jobs TWICE, our house was destroyed by a tornado and now I’m planning a wedding without my mom and might have to walk myself down the isle because I don’t know if I can go to my dad’s wedding when he marries his most recent fiance 6 weeks before my wedding, {original sentence in published post deleted}. You think your “hard” is any different than my “hard?” Get over yourself.
You are unhealthy.
Do something about it.
Or don’t do anything about it.
Continue to live life as you have and get what you’ve always gotten. But don’t you dare complain. Don’t you dare waste your breath crying about something you are CHOOSING to do. Don’t you dare come to me and whine when you don’t want to fight through the hard.You are making your own choices so stop weeping when you don’t like the results. Smile because you made the choice.
Live your life. Stand up and be proud of your decisions. Live your choices and be proud.
This is your life. Love it or change it.

How can you read this and NOT want to do something?  How can you read this and not think to yourself, "What an idiot I have been."  I have wasted so much time making excuses.  

I don't have time to work out.
I don't have time to eat healthy.
Healthy foods are expensive.
I indulged because it was a special occasion.
I had a traumatic event.

The list goes on and on.  Any excuse you can think of, I used it to justify allowing myself to get to the weight that I reached.  Granted, some of it was out of my hands (depo provera....stayyyy awayyy) but the majority of the blame is mine and mine alone.  Eating is an addiction, just like alcohol and drug addiction.  The outcome is obesity, just like alcoholism and drug abuse.  The first step to recovering and changing your life is to ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY.  Hold yourself accountable for what you have done in the past and then decide how you are going to fix it.

My favorite part of that post is "This is your life.  Stand up and be proud of your decisions.  Live your choices and be proud.  This is your life.  Love it or change it."

So today, I'm proud of the decisions that I have made in these past few weeks.  I'm changing my life so that one day I CAN love it.  Not just parts of it, but all of it.....and myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the post girlie! Keep up the motivation. :)
