Friday, May 4, 2012

It's Been a While

I am ashamed to say that I sort of fell off the wagon a bit :(.  Now I'm working extra hard to get back on it.  Ugh.  The last few months I have self sabotaged and while I knew what I was doing was going to counteract all the hard work I had just done to get to where I was….I still did it.  So I’m kicking myself right now, but trying to stay positive.  I know that I will get back on track and eventually reach my goals.  It’s just going to take a little bit of retraining and re-motivating. 

That said, I started the C25K program yesterday and wow!  That was definitely a workout.  If I continue with that for the next 8 weeks, I’m sure to see some sort of weight loss.  I’m also working towards getting back to my diet.  I have to break myself from soda again because I have allowed myself to have it and as a result, it cut back on my water consumption.  So once again, I must restrict myself from soda completely so that I can make sure to meet my water quota each day!  Yesterday was a good day.  I managed to stay under my calorie goal and got in a good 45 minute workout.  I didn’t have any soda (although I did have tea, which I’m working on as well).  I had 6 cups of water.  If I wouldn’t have drank two glasses of tea, that would have made 8 glasses of water.  Oh well, I’ll do better today!

I’m no longer taking Phentermine, so I’m on my own now.  I think that is why I am finding this to be a bit more difficult.  I’m having to actually deal with my cravings and my hunger now, where before the Phentermine hid that from me and I didn’t have to face it.  I thought that being on it for three months would help me get used to eating smaller portions, but apparently not!  I haven’t gained a ton of weight back, but I have gained a few pounds and that was enough for me to step back and say whoa now!  Something has to change!  I’m going in the wrong direction here!

So now begins yet another stretch of my weight loss journey.  I hope that I am able to hang in there!


  1. Girl, I have been on Phentermine for the past 3 months....and while the first month or two were easy.... (I actually lost about 24lbs)...I, too, have fell off the bandwagon a bit, and I'm sure I have put back on a few lbs :( I gotta get my butt back in gear, cuz I've got a lot more to lose before this wedding in less than 4 months!!! Hang in there! We can DO this!!! ;)

  2. Yeah I was down 28 pounds when I fell off the wagon. it makes me so mad at myself for sabotaging all that hard work that I did! So now I'm trying to retrain myself not to want the soda and the sweet stuff. It seems like it's twice as bad now lol. So I'm having a tough time, but I know I can do it. I am just going to have to continue to work hard at it. Getting started (or in this case, back on track) is the hardest part.
