So this is a new thing that I’m
going to start trying to do every Wednesday.
Depending on whether or not I run out of things to talk about, it might
be every other Wednesday haha.
I’ve been following a lot of other
bloggers and have picked up some of the recurring blog posts that they do as
well, such as Sometimes and Always and Hey It’s Ok Tuesday. So now I want to do something of my own. This is one of the things that I came up
with. So without further delay, let’s
talk about “Say Whatttt?! Wednesdays”
I’m really mad that Grey’s Anatomy
ended the way that it did. First, the
plane crashed in the middle of nowhere all “Lost-like” and then they kill off
Baby Grey!
Someone paid 18K for a pair of Queen
Elizabeth’s USED panties?? Shouldn’t
they be hunting down the perv who wanted them and evaluating his mental
status? He might have old ladies chained
up in his basement or something. They
have stains on them for goodness sakes!
I know that this is old news…..but I’m still in complete
shock that Snooki is going to reproduce.
That is all.
Miley, love you, but wearing a jacket with nothing else to
an awards show is not cool.
Justin, did you and Miley consult the same stylist?? Your crinkly pants tucked behind your high
tops and sagging off your behind make you look like an oompa loompa.
Who the heck is this?
Can we all stop trying to be like Lady Gaga?? I’m talking to you you Nicki Minaj, or
however you spell your freaking name…and now this chick. Your shoes are hideous and your hair is
Ok, I’m going to get off my Billboard wardrobe rant. It just shocks me that people don’t seem to
know what clothes are anymore.
In other news, Lindsey Lohan is playing Liz Taylor in a
movie about her life. Unless Liz Taylor
was a cokehead, kleptomaniac, alcoholic….. I don’t think this is the right
person for the job.
Facebook is selling stock. They thought that was a good idea because……?
You can now have your dead loved ones turned into diamonds…..
I admit the story is touching, but I’m not sure that this is something I would
want to do. See the video
And finally, I’m going to close by sharing a little article that
I found on my favorite news website, The Onion
Couple Has Nest Egg Of Debt To Make
Sure They've Got Some Money To Owe Down The Road
BRIMLEY, MI—Local couple Matt and Wendy Ratliff told
reporters Tuesday that they have been steadily building up a nest egg of debt
to make sure that they always had something tucked away to owe banks and
creditors no matter what the future held. "We've been saving a little debt
each year for about 15 years now, which might not sound like much, but as the
debt grows over time, it will hopefully provide us with a nice chunk of debt we
can dig into later on if we happen to run into any unexpected prosperity,"
said Wendy Ratliff, 47, adding that if she and her husband stuck to their plan,
they would have enough outstanding payments stashed away to not only retire in
debt but also to ensure that their children could inherit some of their debt as
well. "It was a little difficult setting aside the debt at first, but
after awhile, we just got used to it. Now we barely notice how crippling it's
going to be." Ratliff said the nest egg was personally important to her,
as her own mother had never put any debt aside and was now an elderly widow
with almost no source of financial hardship.