Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Getting Back on Track

I haven't posted in a while (I know I said the same thing in the last blog lol), but mainly because I have been busy with the holidays and then I kind of fell off the wagon and gained two pounds over the Christmas holiday :(  So I got a little discouraged and didn't want to post until I had something positive to talk about.

Soooo, here I am.  I'm officially BACK on the wagon and hopefully heading in the right direction again.  This is supposed to be my last month on Phen, but I have a full bottle and then the new prescription from the dr.  Not sure how that happened lol.  I didn't take it at all over Christmas vacation, which was a week.  Then my one month check-ins at the dr were kind of running ahead of the monthly marks, so I guess that's how I ended up with an excess of pills??  Who knows.  I haven't skipped pills much so idk.  I'm not complaining though!  Just means that I have a little bit longer to take them :)

So since this is my weight loss blog, I guess we should talk about some weight loss topics.  First, let me go ahead and update you on my current stats.  So I was up to a total weight loss of about 22 pounds.  Then i gained those two stupid pounds over Christmas and so now I'm at 20.  Sighhhh.  But hopefully they will be gone again by the end of this week.  We shall see.  Otherwise, I'm down a size in my clothes and have lost 2 inches in my waist!  Yay!  I lost about 1-1/2 inches in my arms and thighs as well.  So there is definitely a difference.  I'm hoping to drop at least another clothing size before the Phen is gone.  Fingers crossed!! 

I read a news article about obesity today that was kind of depressing.  To sum the article up, it  basically said that recent medical studies have shown that the majority of those who are overweight will remain overweight for the rest of their lives.  Not by choice, but because of predispositions to obesity (like 65% of us carry a gene or something that predisposes us to be obese) and because our bodies actually work against us when we lose weight.  Apparently, when someone loses weight (especially drastic amounts) their bodies never get used to the new size and the new requirements.  It still thinks you need more caloric intake than you actually do.  You will actually burn less calories doing the same exercises as someone who has never been overweight will burn even if you weight the same amount that they do when you lose weight.  How depressing is that???  It talked about how they followed people for a year or so after losing weight to see how they were doing and most of them had gained back some of the weight that they had lost and those that had managed to maintain their weight loss were still doing all the same things that I am having to do to lose weight right now.  Just to MAINTAIN.  That is very discouraging to me.  I knew losing weight would be difficult and I knew that keeping it off wasn't going to be a walk in the park, but after reading that article it really put things into perspective for me.  I'm facing a lifetime of work.  Is it worth it?  Of course it is!  But it is depressing?  Yes.  The one woman that they talked about in particular was still counting her calories and eating much smaller amounts than what the guidelines say that a woman of her size should have to eat to maintain her weight.  She was walking about 4 miles a day a few days a week.  She was exercising about 100 minutes each day.  She was drinking tons and tons of water.  I mean, I know that diet and exercise should be a part of everyone's daily life and that we should all drink 8 glasses of water.  But this is more than the average person does just to maintain a weight.  Sighhhh.  I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, because I'm not.  I know that I just have to do it and deal with it to be healthy and happy.

Surprisingly, even though that article is depressing and it makes me mad to think that even after I lose weight I'm still going to have to act like I'm losing weight for the rest of my life, I'm still optimistic.  I still have the mindset that I can lose weight and keep it off if I want to.  I may be predisposed to obesity, I don't know if I am or not, but so what?  If you want something bad enough it will happen.  That's how I feel about it.  And this is something that I want.  Not only that, but it's something that I need.  So 2012 is my year for getting healthy and if I have to spend the rest of my life working like hell to stay that way, well then I guess that is what I will do.  Cheers to 2012 and to our goals of a healthier life!  We can do it!

Here is the link to the article if you would like to read it for yourself.

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