Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sometimes and Always #4

Sometimes: I get really depressed when I think about all the bills I have to pay.

Always: I remind myself how blessed I am that I can afford to pay them.  I might be broke, but my bills are paid!

Sometimes: I plan to spend a Saturday doing absolutely nothing.

Always: I end up getting bored around lunch time and have to find somewhere to go or something to do.

Sometimes: I wish that I would have completed college when I graduated from high school like I should have, instead of slacking off.

Always: I remind myself that everything happens for a reason and that I might not be where I am today if that would have made different decisions.  My path could have led me elsewhere and I may not have my wonderful husband and baby boy by my side.

Sometimes: I really wish I knew how to deal with emotions and stress a little better.

Always: I keep it inside and end up feeling physical effects from it rather than letting out my emotions and showing them to people.  I’d just rather not burden others with my problems….which is a problem in itself.


  1. Hi, Nicole! I can relate to all of these! I definitely know the feeling on the bill paying...*Sigh* I try to do lazy Saturdays all the time and usually make it to lunch time in my pajamas before my husband is begging me to get dressed and go out to get lunch or something. Haha! I also regret sometimes not continuing my education in graduate school right after I graduated from undergraduate, but I do not regret marrying my husband or any of the wonderful memories we have shared together. Our decisions in life make us who we are so no matter what we have done in the past (good and bad), we should have no regrets! I also tend to keep my emotions and stress bottled up inside until I can't take it anymore and "explode." Haha! Usually, my husband takes the brunt of this explosion, but thankfully he still loves me. It is definitely good to get it out though. :-)

  2. Oh gosh, BILLS! Why do they have to exist?! But you are so right, we are blessed to be able to pay them, slowly but surely.

    Thanks for linking up!!

  3. You are absolutely right Sherry! No regrets! I catch myself a lot of times thinking that I wish I would have done things differently in my past, but then I’m like, no….I don’t. I wouldn’t want to risk not being with the man I love and our beautiful son. So I guess I could say that I would like to do a few things differently in my past IF I could still end up where I am today but be BETTER. But since none of that is possible, that is why it’s a WISH lol. My goal now is just to keep moving forward and improve from this point on and enjoy the ride.

    Megan, BILLS SUCK lol. They are a rip off. We are sooo overcharged for everything. I mean, $140 for cable?? Really???? Good grief! But you know what, I’m too spoiled to cancel it so I’ll just keep paying it and complaining about it. Just like most of America. And that’s why it continues to increase.
